Url Not Working Within The Simple Portfolio Items - Question | JoomShaper

Url Not Working Within The Simple Portfolio Items


Tristina Miller

Extension 1 month ago

I am working with sp simple portfolio and I want it to open to a specific url when clicked, I write the url in the field "Enter project url. Leave this blank if you do not want to show project URL." but it does not work. I have cleared the cache and everything but it's still not working! All the items from the Porfolio are going to here - https://www.mayfairglass.com/index.php?option=com_sppagebuilder&view=form&tmpl=componenet&layout=edit&extension=com_spsimpleportfolio&extension_view=item&id=25

Could you please help?


7 Answers
Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #163044

Hello Tristina Miller

The page is unpublished. Please publish it. What is your exact issue here? Are you using project URL or not? Let me know the issue in details.

Best regards

Tristina Miller
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163108

Hi Back!

I don't the portfolio items to go to the link they going to https://www.mayfairglass.com/component/spsimpleportfolio/item/unique-door-designs.html?Itemid=0.

I would like each item to go to the link I set up for the item. For example I would like the link for Unique Door Designs to go to the Services - Doors page (https://www.mayfairglass.com/services/doors.html) and I would like the Custom Windows to go to the Services - Windows page (https://www.mayfairglass.com/services/windows.html).

I set up each SP Simple Portfolio item to go to the correct URL, but they are all still going to https://www.mayfairglass.com/component/spsimpleportfolio/item/unique-door-designs.html?Itemid=0

Can you please help me fix this.


Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #163136

I have added a menu item SP Simple Portfolio items with the alias items. Now, the items will be linked as items/item-name. Please check it.

Tristina Miller
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163209

Hi Ofi,

Thank you for your help, but this is not what I meant.

The porfolio images are setup on the home page and show the image and description for each. I would like it that the links for each title will go to a specific page. So if a user clicks on the title for the item named Unique Door Designs, the user would be taken to the Services - Doors page (https://www.mayfairglass.com/services/doors.html) and then for the item named Custom Windows, the user would click on the title for that item and they would be taken to the Services - Windows page (https://www.mayfairglass.com/services/windows.html).

Please let me know if you need any more info.

Tristina Miller
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163210

Hi Ofi,

Thank you for your help, but this is not what I meant.

The porfolio images are setup on the home page and show the image and description for each. I would like it that the links for each title will go to a specific page. So if a user clicks on the title for the item named Unique Door Designs, the user would be taken to the Services - Doors page (https://www.mayfairglass.com/services/doors.html) and then for the item named Custom Windows, the user would click on the title for that item and they would be taken to the Services - Windows page (https://www.mayfairglass.com/services/windows.html).

I set the correct URL in each item page, but that link is not working correctly.

I have tried dragging and dropping an image into this box to show you what I mean, but it's not working correctly.

Please let me know if you need any more info.

Tristina Miller
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163450

Can I please get a response?

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #163484

This is not possible. By clicking on the title, the specific item will be opened. Opening the category is not possible. You will have to customize SP Simple Portfolio component for this. Sorry, we do not provide customization support. You have to do it by yourself if you want to do.