Easy Store - Klarna Payment Error - Question | JoomShaper

Easy Store - Klarna Payment Error



EasyStore 1 month ago


I am creating a site for using EasyStore, there is more than one trouble but the urgent one now which will affect my desicion to go with EasyStore or looking for another option is Klarna.

I am tried Klarna paymane in Playground option and Live option but both did Not work.

My Shop and Products all set tu use SEK (Swedish coruns), and i test the credintials on another platform with Virtuemart and it is working.

Another thing i noticed is only one Shipping method is display in the Checkout eventhough there setted up two methods.

Help me please

Majed Tappo

9 Answers
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162855

Hi, I discovered the problem for the Klarna payment, the thing is that now Klarna uses longer API keys so when i saved the key using the plugin for some reason it truncated, so i had to change it manually in the database, so u have to take this in consideration.

But i still have the Shippment problem.

Best regards Majed

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163030

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this oversight. You have to include and exclude your state when you have different shipping method.

Like: You want to free shipng some states (select those states) & exclude those states you do not want to free delivery.

Best regards,

Toufiqur Rahman (Team Lead, Support)

Stuart Clark
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163245

Sorry Toufiq, but you've completely IGNORED the issue here!

th The issue is that your API Field in the Klarna payment module does not accept the whole API key and truncates it.

This is NOT something your customers should have to figure out for themselves - JOOMSHAPER need to update the plugin to work properly!

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163296

You mean that you didn't have input box to use the klarna license key? If yes, please provide me administrator access to check the issue. Cause, your current login access doesn't work. And, Allow us time. Thanks for understanding.

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163315

Hello Toufiq,

I have deactivated the account on my page because one of your team members logged into my site and modified the Klarna code without informing me, which resulted in the loss of the fixes I had made to this code. This is unprofessional behavior.

Clients must be informed of any changes that will be made to the site and their approval must be obtained before implementation.

The problem I encountered was explained in detail, but I will explain it again. The Klarna payment company has changed its authentication method and now generates longer keys. When a user in EasyStore saves this key, it does not save completely in the database, but is truncated. This forced me to intervene and save the key directly in the database.

@Stuart Clark if you face the same problem i can help you fixing it if you want.

Another issue I am facing is that it is not possible to provide two shipping methods without costs, even if this is set up in EasyStore. Only one method will be displayed to the buyer. As an alternative solution, I created two flat rate shipping methods.

There are many bugs in EasyStore, and due to the lack of and slow technical support, I am solving them myself. Therefore, you must inform me before making any changes to the code.

One of the discovered bugs, for example, is that when the user clicks the pay button on the payment page and the calculated tax is more than four digits, an error is displayed on the page. The reason is that the function number_format accepts its first input as a float value, but the value sent by the formatCurrency function is a string.

The issues in EasyStore are not only programming problems but also logical problems, and the most important ones are:

1- The inability to use more than one tax calculation rate. The tax rate should be associated with the product, not the state. Many countries worldwide, especially European countries, use different tax rates for different types of goods and services.

2- There is no option to display the price including tax in the product list or when viewing the product on the details page. This is necessary for users in Europe.

3- Sending messages to the buyer and the shop owner when the buyer clicks the pay button immediately. This is neither necessary nor useful, but on the contrary, it causes confusion for the buyer who feels that the invoice has been paid even before they have authenticated the payment. The logic that should be followed is to send an email to the buyer and the shop owner upon successful payment.

In conclusion, I really like your product EasyStore, but you have a lot of work to do to make it more usable. As it stands, it is only suitable for very simple online stores and does not meet all the needs of shop owners. I am fully aware of your intention to create a product that is easy to use compared to other products on the market, and you are on the right track. You have done a great job so far, but the complexity was related to user requirements and e-commerce constraints in many countries.

The amount paid for this product is not insignificant, so the buyer will reconsider renewing the subscription when it ends. Therefore, as a producing company, as I have known you in your previous products (which is why I initially purchased EasyStore without reading the user problems, which are somewhat significant), you should listen to the suggestions for your newly born product better and not wait for the next update to fix discovered issues. You should avoid them with small updates that you release, which is acceptable for many users.

Best regards Majed

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163353

Could you kindly grant me access to your Joomla administrator area so that I can investigate the issue you're experiencing? Prior to providing access, please ensure that you have backed up your site. Additionally, it's important to note that providing login credentials is entirely voluntary on your part; we respect your decision either way. However, if you do choose to share the login details, it would greatly expedite the resolution process. Thank you for your cooperation.

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163365

Updated plugin of klarna

plg_easystore_klarna_v1.0.4 (1).zip

Stuart Clark
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163384

@majed Could you please add your EasyStore issues (as detailed above) to my other thread which is aiming to collate all issues together: https://www.joomshaper.com/forum/question/33814

It is important that JoomShaper realise what needs to be done to EasyStore and actually implement the required features, rather than simply ignoring users!

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163391

Here is upcoming release logs

  • Fixed: EasyStore breadcrumbs are incorrect
  • Fixed: Guest Customers Orders Viewing
  • Fixed: Product Images display issue
  • Fixed: EasyStore new customer profile redirect issue
  • Fixed: Missing language string added in checkout page.
  • Fixed: Missing key added for email template: company name, vat number.