Class "NumberFormatter" Not Found - Estate Quickstart Template - Question | JoomShaper

Class "NumberFormatter" Not Found - Estate Quickstart Template


Bryant Mico Lilio

Template 1 month ago

Hello, I've downloaded the estate Quickstart template earlier today and installed it on my localhost. upon installation, the error "Class "NumberFormatter" not found" keeps popping up on the front end as well as the SP Property pages (wasn't able to check other components if they're working". I also can't edit on the front end.

PHP 8.2.12

based on what I've seen on discussions revolving this issue, it's seems to be persistent especially on quickstart templates with SP Property.

I've installed Xampp last night so everything's up to date unless you need me to downgrade my php version? please advise.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162815

I am also having difficulties with this template: Steps I have taken:

I installed the "Estate" theme, and the error "Class 'NumberFormatter' not found" appeared. I noticed that when I remove the SP Property component, the template works fine. It also works correctly when I remove all properties. I removed the SP Property component and reinstalled it separately, but the problem persists as soon as it is activated.

Notes: This problem seems to be recurrent in quickstart templates that use SP Property, according to discussions in forums.

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163035

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this oversight. To better address the issue, could you kindly provide Joomla administrator access? This will enable me to thoroughly investigate the matter and provide you with a prompt resolution.

I appreciate your cooperation and will ensure to get back to you as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Toufiqur Rahman (Team Lead, Support)