Addon Articles Pagination Change Color Of Buttons Next And Back - Question | JoomShaper

Addon Articles Pagination Change Color Of Buttons Next And Back


Wolfgang Beckers

SP Page Builder 1 month ago

Hallo, I use the articles addon and I want to change the color of the pagination buttons next and back. They have now a gray color and i want to give them a blue color. I added a css in the articles add on but they where still grey. May be I have to place the css in another place. By the way, I use Joomla 5 and Helix Ulimate.

3 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #162549

Hi there!

Thanks for reaching out.

Would you please give me your site URL and redirection to those buttons?

However, Here is all about custom code placement in Helix Ultimate:

Best Regards

Wolfgang Beckers
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162555

Hello, the site I'm working on isn't online, only local. The back and next buttons are in the view, when you open an article not in the overview. I put the css to helix and it works now. Thanks a lot!

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #163867


Glad that it worked and you are always welcome:)

You may accept the most useful answer in order to close the post.

Have a nice day!