Easy Store Single Page Images - Question | JoomShaper

Easy Store Single Page Images


Jamie Gilbert

EasyStore 1 month ago

Hi installed a couple of templates and they both have the same problem, so a little confused.

the images are NOT displayed for the products, inspecting the page, the buttons are correct and the the image src is correct for example - \easy\images\easystore\product-29\obd-sq.png

However the actual image is incorrect with an extra /easy/ in the mix at the start, so /easy/\easy\images\easystore\product-29\obd-sq.png

See below from actual page, not sure how or why it's doing this.

                            <button type="button" easystore-gallery-item="" data-src="\easy\images\easystore\product-29\obd-sq.png" @click="onThumbnailChange($event, '\easy\images\easystore\product-29\obd-sq.png', 'image')" class="easystore-gallery-image easystore-button-reset active">
                                <img src="/easy/\easy\images\easystore\product-29\obd-sq.png" alt="OBD TrackerVehicle" loading="lazy">
                                    <button type="button" easystore-gallery-item="" data-src="\easy\images\easystore\product-29\obd-custom.png" @click="onThumbnailChange($event, '\easy\images\easystore\product-29\obd-custom.png', 'image')" class="easystore-gallery-image easystore-button-reset">
                                <img src="/easy/\easy\images\easystore\product-29\obd-custom.png" alt="obd-custom.png" loading="lazy">
1 Answers
Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #162438

Hello Jamie Gilbert

Apology for the inconvenience. Please share your administrator access here to check the issue. Use the Hidden Content box to share the credentials. Make sure that you have a full site backup with you before sharing.

Best regards