Form Builder - Question | JoomShaper

Form Builder

Edze de Boer

Edze de Boer

SP Page Builder 1 month ago

Hi guys,

On this website there is a picture for every checklist item:

People can choose between several conference rooms and after that they can choose the type of meal they prefer. All items have their own picture. Is something similar possible with your Form Builder or maybe you have another kind of order form where this is possible?

Kind regards, Edze de Boer

1 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #162328

Hi there!

Thanks for reaching out.

It seems you are looking for conditional fields in a form. If yes, then our form builder doesn't have this types of options, unfortunately. Sorry about that.

I can not relate this behaviour fully with any other order form from us.

Best Regards