Blog Layout Override - Question | JoomShaper

Blog Layout Override


Diego Mello

Template 1 month ago


I am working on a project where we will have a few different content categories and, for some of them I’ll need to have different category layout.

I already found out how to create a Blog Layout Override, including the need to also create the XML to have a new menu item.

What got me intrigued is that after understanding how to create the Blog View override, the menu configurations don’t work at all when I set the template stye to the Shaper Helix Ultimate.

Until now, all I did was to create the copy of the blog.php and all associated files — the override structure —, renamed those files to aw-news, with the respective file extensions, and edited the XML to:

<layout title="News Custom Layout" option=" News Custom Layout "> <help key = "Menu_Item:_Category_Blog" /> <message> <![CDATA[My custom Layout description]]> </message> </layout>

The files are where (I believe) thy should be:


And that was all.

To double check, I copied the override structure to the Cassiopeia folder and changed the menu to use Cassiopeia as the template style and it works, all the changes I make on the Blog Layout section of the menu are reflected on the front end.

That is why it makes me think there is something related to the Shaper Helix template.

Thanks in advance.


4 Answers
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162210
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #162227

Hi Diego,

Did that thread help?

Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #162228

HI Diego,

Thanks for contacting us. You can follow Pavel's instructions. And thanks Pavel for helping him.


Diego Mello
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162322

I was posting in that thread too.

I'll try the CSS approach.

Anyway (and this is just a comment/opinion) I think that the template should not prevent or make it more difficult for users and developer to create this type of override.