SP Easy Image Gallery - Album/menu Title In URL - Question | JoomShaper

SP Easy Image Gallery - Album/menu Title In URL


Anastassia Panenko

Extension 1 month ago

Hola, I need to link menu item with album, both have the same name (example: menu item 'landscapes' will be linked with the album 'landscapes'. At the moment, when I link menu item with gallery album, the menu/album title will be shown twice, like: https://.../art-works/watercolor/landscapes/landscapes

It make no sence linke this. Is there any option please to remove from the URL unnessasary extention? (In the older version of SP Simple gallery (with J3) I had it without double repetition).

Waiting for you answer please, un saludo, Asia

13 Answers
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #162333

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this oversight. I have checked your issue in my end and no issue found. Please watch the video.


Best regards,

Toufiqur Rahman (Team Lead, Support)

Anastassia Panenko
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162406

Hola, you don't see this issue because you are clicking in the album intro image, than you have the correct URL. Please try to click on a submenu point (Helix or Joomshaper), I think you'll see the double URL. I send you a video to explain: http://pintarroja.com/_joomshaper/sp-gallery-url.mov

Thank you, Asia

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #162420

If you change the album name Helix to gallery then gallery will be display in your URL. Please check the screenshot.


Anastassia Panenko
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162424

Hola, exactly, I mean this. But in your case the album name is different from the menu point, this are sample names and sample album. But in the most of real cases, when you need to leed the user to any album via menu, you put the name of the album as a menu point, in this case you'll have the double name. Also in your sample you have both names: as well the menu point name as the album name in URL (double). For example, when you link the menu name with any article in Joomla, you only have the menu URL in the address line, and not the article URL (not double URL). In your previous version (I had SP Simple Gallery on Joomla 3) it have been be only the menu URL displayed. On the actual version, when you have the submenu point linked with the single album: when you click via intro image or via menu – you get two different URLs for same album, see screenshot. And for same menu point which you see active in menu you get 2 different URLs – it makes no sense. See image: http://pintarroja.com/_joomshaper/album-url.jpg

Thank you, Asia

Anastassia Panenko
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162605

Hola, I'm not sure if I explained well, sorry. I used the word 'URL' but I think I had to use the word 'alias'. I mean, the URL for same album is different when you click on menu point or on the intro image.

When you enter the album clicking on the menu point you have like double alias in the URL: .../menu-alias/album alias And when you open the same album by clicking on intro image you have only the album alias in the URL. So you have 2 different URL for the same page.

For example, when you link any Joomla article with the menu point, you get only menu-alias (not menu-alias/article-alias.

And in you previous version of SP Simple gallery by linking the album with menu point in both cases you get the same URL: .../menu-alias (without the album-alias).

See image: http://pintarroja.com/_joomshaper/album-url.jpg

Waiting for your answer, thank you for your help, Asia

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #162663

Let me discuss this with our development team. I will inform you as soon as I receive their feedback. Thank you.

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #162671

Update: Developer team informed me that, menu item URL & component URL isn't same. You should keep different name if you want different name in your URL. Either change menu item alias name or album name. Thanks

Anastassia Panenko
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162672

Hola, and what about two different URLs for same page? It's a duplucate content, has a negative impact on SEO. It's one of the basic rules, I think, the search engine will consider it as a duplucate content and punish the website. Waiting for tour answer, un saludo, Asia

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #162675
Anastassia Panenko
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162678

Hola, it seems like in this video you click on intro images and not on menu point? There is not captured the step you click on menu point to enter the album (otherwise is mot cleae on this video). Can you comapre please both URLs when you enter the same album 1) clicking on the intro image and 2) clicking on menu point? The URLs will be different. In my case, I get 2 different URLs: http://pintarroja.com/_joomshaper/album-url.jpg

Waiting for your answer, Asia

Anastassia Panenko
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162685

As a continuation of my last email: I've made a video. I have now 2 different names for menu and album You can see that when I enter this album via clicking the manu point I get the URL: https://pintarroja.com/art-works/watercolor/landscapes/paisajes And when I enter by clicking the intro image, for the same page and the same album I have a different link: https://pintarroja.com/art-works/watercolor/paisajes These are 2 different links for a same page. It makes no sence and this is not SEO friendly. Please check my video: https://pintarroja.com/_joomshaper/video-album-url.mov

Un saludo, Asia

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163154

Developer team checking your issue. We need time. Please allow us time, Please :)

Anastassia Panenko
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163158

Sure, thank you for your help! We stay in contact! Un saludo, Asia