SP Booking Setup For A Single Property Or A Villa - Question | JoomShaper

SP Booking Setup For A Single Property Or A Villa

Kostas Konstantinidis

Kostas Konstantinidis

Extension 1 month ago

Dear team, I am interested in using SP Boking for renting and booking an entire villa or a single property. Are there somewhere posted instructions on how to setup it for that needs? Many thank's... /kostas

3 Answers
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #161987

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this oversight. I would request you to check first the documentation of SP Booking.


I appreciate your cooperation and will ensure to get back to you as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Toufiqur Rahman (Team Lead, Support)

Kostas Konstantinidis
Kostas Konstantinidis
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162370

Dear Toufiq, I have carefully read the instructions you suggested me to read, but it is not so clear how το set the system up for just a single villa or a whole property. My main question is, for example, how can I configure the basic search module so that the packages are not visible. I use the Travelin template and the only I need is to display a basic search module with checkin/checkout and Room/Guests and of course the search button. Please look at the attachment picture at https://ibb.co/7YHd14F Many thank's My best /kostas

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #162416

My main question is, for example, how can I configure the basic search module so that the packages are not visible.

There is only one option to disable this search module.

I use the Travelin template and the only I need is to display a basic search module with checkin/checkout and Room/Guests and of course the search button.

Use Helix Ultimate template & use the search module of Booking.

Design wise we had to devloped the Travelin Template. If you want to remove or modify anything then you have to do yourself. Cause, customization not allowed our support policy.
