SPPB Open Street Map AddOn - Question | JoomShaper

SPPB Open Street Map AddOn


Alexander Frenkel

SP Page Builder 1 month ago

it is about Open Street Map addon in SPPB. I have 5 addresses, 4 of them are displayed on the map without any problems, but the 5th address does not fit in, whereby theoretically the map section should simply be moved a few pixels to the left and upwards. How can I achieve this, why doesn't the map centre itself accordingly? If I set Map Zoom from 12 to 11, I can see all 5 addresses, but then the map is not detailed enough.

5 Answers
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #161892

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this oversight. In this case you need to increase height & width of your map.

Best regards,

Toufiqur Rahman (Team Lead, Support)

Alexander Frenkel
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162143

May be ChatGPT has the better Answer with CSS :

#sppb-addon-osm-86fddfe7-07df-43ca-85a2-fdb33b3f4c4c {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;

#sppb-addon-osm-86fddfe7-07df-43ca-85a2-fdb33b3f4c4c .leaflet-map-pane {
    margin-top: 100px;
    margin-left: 100px;
    width: calc(100% - 200px); 
    height: calc(100% - 200px); 

This works for me.

Otherwise his first suggestion was to center the map on coordinates(unfortunatelly this didn't work with CSS), so may be you could implement this parameter into the add-on and make the configuration a lot easier for your users. Thank you.

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #162299

It depends on the user requirements. Cause, we can't add this css code. By the way, Thanks

Alexander Frenkel
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162301

I didn't asked to add CSS but to add the center Parameter to OpenMaps-AddOn. It could be like the Map points - with coordinates, but schould place the map window accordingly to it. Thanks in advance.

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #162302

We will improve it in the future. But, sometimes map location wise it difficult to manage it perfect to display at the same container. In this case, we suggest to use the plus & minus icon to zoom in and zoom out. Thanks