Sticky Sidebar is Still Slippery - Question | JoomShaper

Sticky Sidebar is Still Slippery



Helix Framework 2 months ago

I was excited to see - and toggled on - the sticky sidebar feature in the template manager, but as an FYI the sidebar didn't become sticky. I was able to stick my module anyway, using position:sticky; top: 200px;, but I'm pretty sure you didn't indent for users (or maybe it's just me?) to need to do that. There were no errors in the console. Joomla 5.1.1, php 8.3, Helix Ultimate 2.1.1.

2 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #161743

Hi there!

Sorry for your experience.

Did you check this carefully, please?

I did try this while the feature was really new and it worked.

Kindly let me know after clearing your Joomla and browser cache deeply to see if it helps!

Best Regards

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #161748

Hi Rashida,

Yes, I did as indicated in the documentation, but nothing stuck. My little module can be handled by the scrap of code I installed, but I really like the sticky sidebar idea and will test it out on some other sites - maybe the server configuration (ours) is interfering. We have four servers, no two configured alike. o_0