Pagebuilder Adding "/default" To The End Of The Menu Link/url After Selected - Question | JoomShaper

Pagebuilder Adding "/default" To The End Of The Menu Link/url After Selected

George Ivory

George Ivory

SP Page Builder 2 months ago

Joomla 5.10 SP Pagebuilder 5.34 Helix Ultimate 2.11 Multilingual site ( 2 languages)

I will try and describe the problem as best as possible. This appears in both languages (menus) 1 - I choose (click) a menu item link from the main (or offcanvas) menu 2 - The page loads properly, all is well 3 - If I re-select the same link again immediately after it 404's page not found

I have noticed that once you choose the link and it loads the appropriate page the link changes in the menus and adds a "/default" to the end of the url of the page that has loaded. So the page that is loaded on the website has the "/default" added to the url eg. link prior to selecting loads properly link after selecting 404's no page found

If I proceed to click on another link that page loads properly and the "/default" then is added to that link/url and removed from the previous page's url that was loaded.

This isue is only happening on "some" sp pages that have Events Booking and or Membership Pro modules. This is "not" happening on "all pages" that have Booking or Pro modules just some. I had the developers (JoomDonation) check the site and they suggested it may be a SP Pagebuilder problem as their code is not rendering these links.

The test site is in developer mode and will be going live within day's/weeks and I need to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Please any suggestions or help so that I can has this resolved as soon as possible.

Thank you

14 Answers
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 4 weeks ago #164451

We made code investigation. We've found that the issue is definitely because of events booking or membership pro components. For now, to solve this issue, user(s) have to change a line on the codebase of those components. Also, it's better to inform about this to the devs of events booking/membership pro components. For events booking component, they have to replace line 80, file: components/com_eventbooking/router.php to this: if ($menuItem && empty($menuItem->query['layout']) && $menuItem->component == 'com_eventbooking')

For Membership pro component, they have to replace line 57, file: components/com_osmembership/router.php to this: if ($menuItem && empty($menuItem->query['layout']) && $menuItem->component == 'com_osmembership')

I suggest to contact with extensions developer to fix it in updates.

Paul + Developer Team.

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #161760

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this oversight. I would request you to check the multilingual blog post.

And can you share a screencast video about the full scenario?

I appreciate your cooperation and will ensure to get back to you as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Toufiqur Rahman (Team Lead, Support)

George Ivory
George Ivory
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #161773

Hi Toufiq

I did a search on this forum prior to making this post and didn't find anything. After doing another search I found a post made by Karen 7 months ago. She explains the problem exactly and was discussing this issue with your colleague Paul.

The issue still hasn't been resolved but some patch suggestions were given. I think it best we close this post and continue there as the problem (file, code) has already been identified.

Thank you for your quick response


Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #161776

Could you please share the forum post that discusses the same issue?

George Ivory
George Ivory
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #161904

Hi Toufiq

Sorry for not providing the link earlier.

Thank you

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #161953

But, when i have checked my end there is no / end of the URL.

George Ivory
George Ivory
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #161995

Hi Toufiq, Where are you checking to see the error? Please check the provided links below where you can see the problem on my site. When initially clicking on the menu link it loads the page When you try and re click or you can mouse over the same link you will see it renoders the "/default" at the end of the url. If you click it it will 404.

George Ivory
George Ivory
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #161996

Is it possible we continue this post on the original post? It would be good for Karen (the original poster) to be involved and follow.

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #162052

Can you share a screencast video about the full scenario?

George Ivory
George Ivory
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162116

Hi Toufiq

Are you not seeing the error? Your colleague Paul in the post I gave you above has confirmed the error and gave the Poster Karen some "Duct Tape" solutions. Maybe he can be of assistance. Please let me know if you still need for me to screencast and I will try to get a copy out to you as soon as possible. I will be traveling the next few days so I will not be at my office.

Thank you

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #162264

Sure, please share a screenshot or screencast video. Paul is also on leave, so it would be helpful. Thank you!

George Ivory
George Ivory
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #164093

Hi Toufiq

I sent you live links above in the hidden content which shows exactly what is happening. I've detailed what happens with each click on the link. I don't think you need a snapshot or video when you can experience it live. For me to create a video and sign up with a video sharing or photo sharing site is too cumbersome. Unfortunately your forum does not allow any easier solutions.

Please look at the links and comments provided above.

Thank you

George Ivory
George Ivory
Accepted Answer
3 weeks ago #164581

Paul, thank you for following up. I contacted JoomDonation and the issue has been resolved.

Thanks again,


Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 3 weeks ago #164590

Great News. Please mark topic as solved.

Happy Using.