Request Failed With Status Code 403 - Question | JoomShaper

Request Failed With Status Code 403



SP Page Builder 2 months ago

I still have an old error message here, but I can't solve the problem myself.

I'm sorry, but I have a problem when I try to save something with SP Pagebuilder; the mentioned error message appears. I have already tried copying content to continue working on it, but without success. Similarly, exporting and then importing into new content also did not work.

I also opened two tabs in Chrome, copied the columns, and pasted them into the other tab, but again, the error message appeared.

I can't figure it out. Maybe you could give me a tip or help?

I have created access to the backend. You will find these login details in the Hidden Content.

I am curious to see if you can help me.

Thank you in advance.

Harry :)

14 Answers
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #161234

I've had this problem since I switched the system to Joomla 5.

Switched from MySQL to MariaDB

I can edit and save Joomla content

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #161391

Hello Harry

Glad to know that your issue is fixed. Please accept any answer to close the post. There is a button to accept answer after each comment.

Best regards

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #161472

Tut mir Leid, vielleicht war es ein Fehler vom Übersetzungsprogramm. Der Fehler ist leider noch nicht behoben!!!

Bitte schauen Sie mal.

I'm sorry, maybe it was a mistake by the translation program. The error has unfortunately not yet been fixed!!!

Please take a look.

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #161485

Please take a full site backup with Akeeba Backup in ZIP format and share here. Follow this tutorial. I will check it on my localhost.

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #161486

ok kommt sofort... ok coming right away...

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #161491

show in Hidden Content

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #161505

Sorry, you have shared the file in JPA format. Please go to Akeeba configuration and set the file type as ZIP. Then take the backup and share. You do not need to take database backup. It is taken with Akeeba Backup. Just share the Akeeba Backup file in ZIP format.

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #161507

ok, anbei in zip :)

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #161707

If there is anything missing, please let us know. Thank you

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #161713

Apology for the delayed response. I have checked your site backup on my localhost but could not find the issue. Please follow these documentation and check your server settings.

  1. I can't save Page (blocked by CORS policy)
  2. I cannot Save page settings
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #161716

Dear support team,

I am extremely disappointed that you cannot help me. I have created numerous websites with SP-Pagebuilder in combination with Joomla 4 and Joomla 5, and it works perfectly everywhere. I only have a problem with this site and all you are giving me are pointers as to where I could possibly look for the error myself? That is not adequate support.

There must be a specific cause for the problem somewhere. The site ran smoothly for over a year and the team page was updated several times, as requested by the customer. Now suddenly it no longer works and no one can help me?

I find it regrettable that I cannot expect a solution from you. If this situation does not change, I will be forced to give up.

With disappointed regards,


          • Deutsch - - - - -

Sehr geehrtes Support-Team,

ich bin äußerst enttäuscht, dass Sie mir nicht helfen können. Ich habe zahlreiche Webseiten mit SP-Pagebuilder in Kombination mit Joomla 4 und Joomla 5 erstellt, und überall funktioniert es problemlos. Nur bei dieser Seite habe ich ein Problem und erhalte von Ihnen lediglich Hinweise, wo ich eventuell selbst nach dem Fehler suchen könnte? Das ist keine adäquate Unterstützung.

Es muss doch irgendwo eine konkrete Ursache für das Problem geben. Die Seite lief über ein Jahr reibungslos und mehrfach wurde die Teamseite aktualisiert, wie vom Kunden gewünscht. Jetzt plötzlich funktioniert es nicht mehr und niemand kann mir helfen?

Ich finde es bedauerlich, dass ich offenbar keine Lösung von Ihnen erwarten kann. Wenn sich an dieser Situation nichts ändert, sehe ich mich gezwungen, aufzugeben.

Mit enttäuschten Grüßen,


Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #162399

My sincere apology for the delay. I will share you an update by today.

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162400

No problem, thank you for your effort. I was also a little stressed and pressed for time. No problem. Everything's fine.

I'll take a look at it when I get a chance.

Thank you for your effort.

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #162402

I am sorry. I have mistakenly commented on your post. Please share your access again. I will fix it.