Pagebuilder Upgrade Fom 4 To 5 Adds Unwanted Layout Changes - Question | JoomShaper

Pagebuilder Upgrade Fom 4 To 5 Adds Unwanted Layout Changes

KE Comm

KE Comm

SP Page Builder 2 months ago

I accidentally updated from v4 to v5. Now there are full width columns which have now "inline css" info to flex it to 33% instead of 100% why? Headline font size and font family fields that were left empty on pupose are now filled with (standard) values. Section paddings seem to be applied differently. It looks like there are extra divs nested within colums/sections now.


This is what it should look like:

Where do the inline 33% come from and how do I get rid of it? The column width in the page is set to 100% there is no custom addon-width nothing to indicate those 33%

6 Answers
KE Comm
KE Comm
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #162040

I have solved this one page myself. I wasn't asking for a fix for this ONE issue. I was asking for a solution that would solve/erase ALL falsely generated code that seemed to have been generated during the upgrade.

Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #161320


Thanks for contacting us and sorry for your issue. After update, if any CSS issue occurred then it should be caused by Lazy laod function . We have to disable it from template settings.

For more help you can follow the documentation below:


KE Comm
KE Comm
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #161337

Lazy load has always been disabled. Nor was CSS or JS compression or SCSS compliation active.

My current way to solve it is to create new sections and delete the old ones. Is this somewhere in the database so that I can bulk delete replace that?

Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #161459

Yes, you can keep a full site backup and remake these portions again.

KE Comm
KE Comm
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #161991

That was not my question. You are basically saying "our upgrade can cause issues and if it does, you have to redo everything".

Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #162035

I can solve it via CSS. Give me a screenshot of that portion from your site please.