Off Canvas Menu Colors Do Not Change Via Custom Style Options - Question | JoomShaper

Off Canvas Menu Colors Do Not Change Via Custom Style Options



SP Page Builder 2 months ago

Hello Tech Support,

I wish to change any of the colors on the off canvas menu via the / Template Styles / TEMPLATE / Template Options / Presets / Custom Style / options. When I click on any of the colors to change them to anything other than the default of the template, no colors change on the menu.

Is there a global or master 'switch' that needs to be disabled / enabled for this basic function to work within SP Page Builder Pro as marketed on the Joomshaper site?

Thank you, Rob

Joomla: v5.1.1 Template: Homify v1.0 SP Page Builder Pro v5.3.4 Helix Framework: v2.1.1 All Compression: Disabled PHP: 8.3

5 Answers
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 months ago #161007


  1. Sometimes you have to in Template Options > Advanced > SCSS > Compile SCSS to CSS : On or Off > Save (2x) - to make it work.

  2. If (1) wil not help , you can set everything (also color) with a few lines of Custom CSS.

Ready guides were/are always here:

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #161026


Thank you very much for getting back to me.

Number one seems to work fine. Although every few times I made a change, I had to turn the compile function on and/or off and click save to make it work. There did not seem to be a rhyme or reason as to why I had to jump through the hoops to make it work.

With regard to the custom settings, I typed in new hex color information and was able to achieve those colors that I desired. However, the little icon showing the color in use, to the left of the HEX color code, never changed and shows the wrong color.

Is there a way to change that as I would like to be able to see the color that I have chosen instead of trying to memorize a hex color code?

Again thank you for your help. It is much appreciated.

Blessings, RT

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 months ago #161027

Only SPPB so far has Color Library to keep colors >

In Helix Options you have to know colors hex code from Your Client Corporate Identity guide (or figure them out) and use them wisely.

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #161030

That SPPB Color Library seems very useful.

But with regard, to the MENU and the OFF CANVAS MENU... for clarity.... I'm not seeking it to remember 'my' choices for the client per se' like the SPPB Color Library.

I would like the little color icon to simply update to the color which has been chosen. ie. If the original default custom color of HOVER TEXT is red and I change it to blue. The color on the menu (thanks to your compiling info) will change to blue. However, the icon still remains as red.

Is there a fix for that?

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 months ago #161035

With Custom CSS probably, but first you have to share here link to screenshot with it.