WISHLIST - Question | JoomShaper


John Juhl

John Juhl

SP Page Builder 2 months ago

I have two ideas that would help me a LOT:

A toggle all sections button (backend) - I spend half the day scrolling up and down when I work on long pages

A way to pre-set addons : for instance I would like to set bottom spacing to a standard 20px, instead of having to remember to do so all the time

Please give it, at least a thought :)

3 Answers
Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #160763


Thanks for contacting us and thanks for your suggestions. Could you please give me any example of it? And I will add it also in our Feature Request list.


Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 months ago #160771

If I may...

A way to pre-set addons ....

EASY & READY even today. Just create base addon then Save addon and reuse it later. I (and my students, clients) use that method very often. It worked also in SPPB 3.8.x.


John Juhl
John Juhl
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #160774

But of course Paul - sometimes you can't see the woods for all trees :)))

I still maintain that the toggle/collapse sections button would be great.

For instance right now I work on a very long SPPB article and if I want to focus ONLY on one particular section, I'll have to manually collapse all other sections - a "COLLAPSE ALL SECTIONS" button would be nice
