No Hover Style On "button" Addon - Question | JoomShaper

No Hover Style On "button" Addon



SP Page Builder 2 months ago

Hello Joomshaper team,

I have a small problem with the "button" addon. When I edit the button, I'm on the "custom" style and when I go further down, to the color style, I only have the option of changing the colour and not "normal" and "hover". I have to use the 'Button group' addon to be able to adjust the normal and hover settings. I'm using version 5.3.4 of SP Page Builder but I already had the same problem with the previous version. See screenshots:

Thank you for your help.

5 Answers
Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #160104


Thanks for contacting us. Could you please mention which button you are talking about? Could you please give me a screenshot of that button from site?


Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 months ago #160111


Probably your Button addon was overriden by template, becuase you should see that, for Custom style:


Check if you have that "button" folder here:


if yes - DELETE IT (!) with two .php files inside. Why? Ask Template developer!

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 months ago #160113

As I saw you use Flex template, so this is a reason of missing features/options in our addons. That template overrides many of our addons with OLD CODE & OLD VERSIONS (!)

I am not surprised that you have this and similar problems. I have seen many of them made by Flex template over the years! Make sure that you updated theme.

Our support ends here, for obvious reasons mentioned above.

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #160119

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your feedback. I've deleted the 2 files in question and there's no longer any problem with the "Button" addon, which displays the normal and hover styles :)

Concerning the Flex template, I started using it about ten years ago and I find it quite extraordinary in terms of the possibilities it offers, but it's true that it can cause certain problems. It's thanks to it that I discovered SP Page Builder, which I use every day now. Since then, I've been gradually replacing it with the Helix3 template, even though I can't always get the same rendering as with Flex, especially when it comes to headers ;)

Have a nice day!

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 months ago #160121

I am glad that I could help, even though I get a "fever" when I see the name Flex ;p

Mark Topic As Solved.