Contact Form Bug, We have A Huge Problem With The Contact Form, Please Help Us. - Question | JoomShaper

Contact Form Bug, We have A Huge Problem With The Contact Form, Please Help Us.



SP Page Builder 2 months ago

I know they are going to say everything is fine with the mailing, but no. I have several websites installed and updated, but from version 5.2.7 we have problems with sending emails. One day, we got 3 thousand emails coming from the contact form.

After several tests, we realized that in version 5.2.6 this did not happen, I attach a video and I put the access data so that you can check it. And do your tests, I hope you can prove me that we are wrong, but honestly, I'm sure that after version 5.2.6 was lost a validation of google captcha.

We are waiting for your answer,

thank you very much

1 Answers
Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #160085

Hello OM SGD

Original post has been answered by our team lead. Please continue the discussion on that post. He will fix your issues.

Best regards