Insert Different Buttons On Background Image - Question | JoomShaper

Insert Different Buttons On Background Image


Ralf Deing

SP Page Builder 2 months ago

Hello, I want to create a few places with buttons (green dots in the picture) in a background image on a page. So spread out across the picture. How can I do this? I've tried everything. I can't get it to work. If I change the position of a button, all the others move too. Can you give me a tip on how to do this? Thank you very much

Ralf Deing

2 Answers
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 months ago #159732

Hi Ralf.

Here are two possibilities that come to my mind quickly:

  1. Use features of our addon Popover (!) from SPPB Pro 5.x - easy way - watch video in blog post:
  2. Use Online generator for Image Map where you can upload image and add active points and it will generate you code similar to that:
<img src="/images/ship.jpg" usemap="#image-map" alt="SHIP">

<map name="image-map">
    <area target="" alt="" title="" href="#dot1" coords="6,230,119,5" shape="rect">
    <area target="" alt="" title="" href="#dot2" coords="234,230,124,5" shape="rect">
    <area target="" alt="" title="" href="#dot3" coords="347,230,239,5" shape="rect">

Which later you have to paste into Raw HTML addon.

But using it as background image + buttons - does not make sense, too problematic as you noticed

Ralf Deing
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159742

Hello Paul, great, thank you for the quick response. I'll try it out this weekend. Let's see if I use it. Yes, it's a bit tricky. It's only supposed to be visible on the desktop screen. I don't know what users will see on their tablet and mobile phone. I just wanted to try everything out, including the functions of the SP Pagebuilder. Thank you very much :)