Easy Store Tax Issue - Question | JoomShaper

Easy Store Tax Issue


Alex Barendregt

EasyStore 2 months ago

Hi team, the products in a store should have the tax included in the item price. when I enable "tax activate on check out" the tax is added on top of the price. it should be the other way around. The tax should be shown from the sales price and not added. I requested that in an earlier post a month ago, please add this into the next update. in Europe you need to have sales prices incluing taxes.

11 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #159662

Hi there!

Thanks for contacting us.

If I get it right, yes this has been added as feature request already.

Can I have your previous forum post link here about the same topic?

Best Regards

Alex Barendregt
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159666

I have the latest update of easy store and tax problem is not solved. the item prize on check out adds the vat insted of calculating it down.

Alex Barendregt
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159911

when do you think will be this update released with the tax issue, because a shop all over europe must show the sales item including the tax. thanks

Alex Barendregt
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #160665

Do we have an update on the next release? This is very important part for a shop. please make sure that the next update has this included. thank you.

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #162593

Hi Alex Barendregt,

It's in our feature request list, but there is no date can be shared yet. Sorry about that.

However, we are working with the issue. Tax per product according to EU policy will come in the next EasyStore release, hopefully.

Best Regards

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163587

Hello, I have just installed Easy-Store 1.2.1. Unfortunately, I can't find any settings to display the tax included. And then displayed separately in the shopping cart. If I have read the forum correctly, this should work in the latest version 1.2.1. Are these settings available now? Thank you for your effort Best regards Imservan

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163589

same here. I'm so mad! We've been told for weeks that this bug will be fixed in the upcoming update, i.e. today! It's a total disgrace

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163595

I live in Germany and have always believed the statements made by the support team. I have expanded the store further in the hope that everything will now work correctly for tax purposes. And it still doesn't work. Or have I overlooked something? If it doesn't work, the store is worthless. Best regards Imservan

Alex Barendregt
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163596

Sorry guys, you are kidding me. we are running after this issue since the first release. we all work with the store now and we want a propper solution for the VAT! this shop is useless. we put lots of hours for our clients in each project, switching to another shop would be the solution but then we have to rebuild all new for the client.

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163597

I'm all yours! We are constantly being put off; most recently we were promised that this fundamental error would be fixed with the current update. We always trust the promises instead of switching directly to another product. I would have had my shop online long ago if I hadn't been so gullible as to believe what the support was telling me here.

This makes Joomshaper's product unusable for the entire EU market. I don't understand how, from a business perspective, they can take so long to fix this error. Europe isn't exactly a small group of buyers for Easystore... Crazy!

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #163849

Hello Everyone,

Please take my sincere apology for the delay in solving this matter. I understand your frustration and loss of time and money on supporting EasyStore. I also appreciate your concern and good-will to make the product better.

As we are re-designing our tax system to comply with EU tax policy. Some of the key features on the new tax system will be:

  • Product or Region-based tax
  • One-stop shop VAT registration
  • Tax override on category
  • Gross price (price with tax) display on the Shop and Product page

We require time to research and develop it. Research and design for tax management are almost done. The development is also going alongside. The team is working hard as the issue is our top priority now. We are trying our best to solve this soon with all our resources. Our estimated time to release the version is in the second week of September. We also plan to release a beta version prior to the stable release. After collecting your feedback on the beta version, we will finalize the stable release.

Hopefully, all your issues regarding Tax management will be fixed with this release. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best Regards