5.3.3 Messed Up Style In Slideshow - Question | JoomShaper

5.3.3 Messed Up Style In Slideshow


John Blaine

SP Page Builder 2 months ago

I updated to SP Page Builder 5.3.3 today and it messed up the style of my Slideshow slides. They are supposed to have green buttons and a background behind the text. On the backend, they look fine. On the frontend, they incorrectly show pink buttons and they don't have a background behind the text. I'm on Joomla 4.4.5

I did all the things like clear cache of Joomla and browser and even tried incognito mode. Your online chat support had me try all that and concluded that it was a bug.

I reverted back to 5.3.2 and everything looks good again.

2 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #159577

Hi there!

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Can you give me any problematic page link that still shows the issue, so that I can check? Was there any error on your console?

Best Regards

Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Mehtaz Afsana Borsha
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #159583


Thanks for contacting us and sorry for your issue. I thinks its Lazy laod function issue. You have to disable it from template settings. Please disable lazy load function then try again. You can also follow this documentation below:

