Opus Template - Question | JoomShaper

Opus Template

Richard Baker

Richard Baker

Template 2 months ago

Getting the following error when I do an install. I have tried an install 3 times: Missing field in database: Joomla\CMS\Table\Extension extension_id.

Also can we upgrade this to 5.11?

Kind Regards, RBaker

6 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #159193

Hi there!

Sorry for your experience.

Which PHP version and Joomla version are you using there? Is your template up-to-date?

Best Regards

Richard Baker
Richard Baker
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159306

Good morning php 8.1 It will not let me do a update to the Joomla or template. This is right off your download. I downloaded the Joomla4 version. When I click on update Joomla I get the following: https://prnt.sc/uw4Z2lOqFfwV and under DataBase I get the following: https://prnt.sc/LWf_TMr6Lubs

Kind Regards RBaker

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #159347

Well, The Opus template is not compatible with Joomla 5 yet, sorry about that. What did you try to update, please? Joomla version, template or SPPB?

Richard Baker
Richard Baker
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159521

Nothing. It will not allow a update. Please look at the screen shots.

Richard Baker
Richard Baker
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159522

Are you going to update Opus to work with Joomla 5?

Richard Baker
Richard Baker
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159760

well this template be updated please? I have a lady who wants this for her website.