Cannot Edit My SP Page Builder Modules - Question | JoomShaper

Cannot Edit My SP Page Builder Modules


Bruce Paine

SP Page Builder 3 months ago

Joomla 4.4.5 SP Page Builder Pro 5.3.2 Hosting is via

I am the only person editing the web site.

I have encountered an old problem which was resolved for a while but has now reappeared.

My web site has various site modules. I find it a convenient way to organise my web content.

The problem is when I try to edit modules with SP Page Builder content, the changes I make are saved and appear on the live site but when I close then reopen the modules (into SP Page Builder), the new changes revert to the previous version. For example, a simple text container has lost the changes and shows the old content. If it's a newly created module, the SP Page Builder view returns to a completely empty page, like starting a new page.

Note that I am using the 'Edit with Backend Editor'. The 'Frontend Editor' has never worked for me and I see no real need for it.

Another observation is when editing an SP Page Builder module, the 'Page Preview' option does not work. It opens the web site home page but the new module is not visible. That is despite the fact I have saved the module, set the 'title' position and saved the page builder page. And, of course, when I save the module for real, the new content appears perfectly.

My work-around solution for now is to keep the module I'm adjusting opened until I am completely happy with the way it looks before exiting. However, it is inconvenient because whenever I need to make any adjustments I now have to delete the module and create a new one.

I have taken screen shots in an attempt to demonstrate what is going on but there is no way to upload them here so I can't share them.

A while ago I renewed my support subscription hoping that an update might fix the problem but so far no luck.

I would appreciate any assistance with what has been an on-going headache.

P.S. I cannot upgrade my site to Joomla 5 because my hosting company is not ready to support it.

14 Answers
Bruce Paine
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159045

Here's another observation that seems related to the problem already described.

Occasionally, after I have attempted to edit a site module linked to SP Page Builder, I'm having to use 'global check-in' on the following SP Page Builder database tables:-

comf_modules comf_sppagebuilder

This happens after I have tried to open the module with the backend editor, then switching to the frontend editor (which doesn't allow me to make changes) then exiting by closing the module.

There is clearly something not right. Hopefully the SP Page Builder support team can help solve the problem!

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #159156

Hello Bruce Paine

Apology for the inconvenience. Please share your screenshots via any drive link like Google Drive, One Drive, Box, Files etc. Also, share your administrator access URL here to check the issue. Use the Hidden Content box to share the credentials. Make sure that you have a full site backup with you before sharing.

Best regards

Bruce Paine
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159188

Hi Ofi Khan I did already share the admin username and password with my original message in the Hidden Content box. I will repeat it here for you.

Yes the site has been fully backed up.

But...I have just now checked one of the modules I was having problems with in the backend editor. It is now opening properly, showing the correct (latest) content. This is after two days rest since making adjustments. It seems to come right after a long period of inactivity.

Now I wonder if the problem is a browser caching issue. I have the latest Firefox version for Apple Mac. But I am running quite an old Mac OSX version. I will need to see the problem happen again to be certain. Perhaps create a test module and observe what happens.


Bruce Paine
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159189

Also, as mentioned before, I prefer using the backend editor. However, the problem with the 'front end editor' still exists. That's when I am editing site modules. When I select the 'Front-end Editor' option from the module edit screen, the home page appears with a user login prompt. When I enter my login, the home page appears with editing controls on the left side of the screen. But I cannot select elements to edit nor add new ones. I can switch back to the 'Backend Editor' which looks ok. Then when I close the module, I end up in SP Page Builder 'Pages' screen - not the original starting point i.e. module edit screen. I can select 'Back to Admin' but then I notice two browser tabs are open. I go to the other tab and find the web site home page and no option to exit. I just close the browser tab and continue with the remaining tab. After all this, the Joomla System Dashboard 'Global Check-in' shows that the comf_modules table and comf_sppagebuilder tables need to be checked in. I have now checked the tables in.

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #159203

Okay, I will check it. I have already seen your credentials. But I need your site URL to check. Maybe you forgot to add the site address. Share it and I will investigate your issue.

Bruce Paine
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159267

My apologies. Here is the URL and further instructions.

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #159282

I am seeing this in the administrator page.

I have shared my Public IP in the hidden content. If needed, then allow it so that I can visit the administrator.

Bruce Paine
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159312

I'm very sorry, I forgot there is a third layer of security. Since the web site was hacked some years ago, we had to take drastic measures.

I have now granted access to your IP address.

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #159329

Okay, I can log in now. I have taken a module and edited on frontend editor. It looks okay.

Bruce Paine
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159342

That's very interesting to know. It has never worked for me. My desktop computer is quite old which makes me wonder if there is some sort of software incompatibility. The only way I can test the theory is to find a newer computer and see if I have success.

Can you share with me the type of computer system and browser you are running? It will help me understand what I should be using perhaps.

Thank you.

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #159362

I am using Chrome Browser latest version on MAC latest OS. Please check your issue on different browsers.

Bruce Paine
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159446

Thank you Ofi Khan.

I really need to upgrade my desktop computer but it will take a while to sort out.

But I do have an iPad Pro6th generation with the latest IOS. Having installed the Chrome browser I have tried editing the Joomla modules as discussed. The back-end editor seems to be working as expected, although it already seems to be working ok via my old computer. So I can't really say that the iPad has solved the problem I was experiencing the other day.

The front-end editor is now showing me the page elements that can be editied. However, there are still problems when it comes to closing the page. With every option I have tried, for example 'close' or 'back-end editor' I am ending up with database tables that need to be checked in afterwards.

I have run out of time for checking the system just now but I will be able to re-examine the situation after June 21.

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 2 months ago #159469

You are welcome 😊

Well, iPad is not a permanent solution. You should go for a desktop or laptop to edit your work. If you do not have further issues, then accept the answer to close this post. It will be then easier to find the solution for the other users with the same issue. There is a button to accept answer after each comment.

Bruce Paine
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #159667

I'm not sure I fully understand what is going on with the back-end vs front-end editor. However, it appears the problems I've experienced require further investigation by me using a more up to date desktop computer than the one I have been using. I won't be able to test SP Page Builder until I have upgraded my Apple Mac. I will be investigating possible upgrade options in a week or two from now. In the meantime, I will mark this as an Accepted Answer.