Cannot Open Created Pages After Upgrade - Question | JoomShaper

Cannot Open Created Pages After Upgrade



SP Page Builder 3 months ago

I have Joomla 5.10, upgraded sppagebuilder from 3.8.x to 5.x, php 8.3, and cannot open previously created sppagebuilder created pages in editor. but pages are displaying fine on public side.

Receive following error: 0 Failed opening required '/usr/local/var/www/mcklpoa/administrator/components/com_sppagebuilder/builder/classes/base.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/Cellar/php/8.3.7/share/php/pear')

I noticed this path does not exist in my com_sppagebuilder directory: administrator/components/com_sppagebuilder/builder/classes/base.php

Please advise

7 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 3 months ago #157913

Hi there!

Thanks for reaching out.

Which tmplate are you using there, please?

Can you downgrade your PHP version to PHP 8.1 and check again if it helps?

Best Regards

Accepted Answer
3 months ago #157968

Hi I'm using this template:*1gcdml9*_ga*NDMyNjI5ODcyLjE3MTYyOTkxMzE.*_ga_FTPYEGT5LY*MTcxNjgxMjQwNS4xMS4xLjE3MTY4MTI0MzIuMzMuMC4w

However I cannot download to 8.1 now. I was running this template under Joomla 4, with pagebuilder 3.8.10. However several extensions and Joomla 5 now require higher php. I tried 8.2 but had so many problems, figured I'd go to 8.3 which at least one extension suggests, and if I had to go through the pains of tweeking would rather do it for higher. 8.3 actually turned out to have far less issues than 8.2 so that was a blessing. I should also note here I'm on helix ultimate 2.1.1. And to the point if it's php or not, my other two sites are running fine. So it's a config or a file issue somewhere, or could be a table issue in mysql.... I ran a mysql table check, no issues.

So, more to the story here. I have 4 sites using this template and same Joomla 5.1.0, php 8.3.7, mysql 8.3.0, and 2 of the sites upgraded to the SPPagebuilder 5x no problem. The other two did not. I'm at a loss to understand what is different about these two sites. It is not an extension difference as two are the same.

I currently can't get the installer to run properly at all. It's half installs and errors out. Warning - Copy file failed danger - Error installing component

Site permissions checked, all is good and extraction is in the tmp folder. All other extensions install without issue, it appears to be just sppagebuilder with the issue.

When looking in system extensions there is a mix of 3.8x and 5x in there, whereas on my sites that it installed fine, all are updated to 5.x. On the front end, pages are still displaying ok and I've turned off error reporting to make clean for public. Back end cannot edit a page without that error.

Accepted Answer
3 months ago #158279

Could I have some input or recommendations on this please? I cannot edit a page at the moment in SPPB without it killing the page and having to disable any section I touch to keep the page alive. I have read the specs and setup and this system according to your min requirements should be fully compatible. I've gone through all your posted troubleshooting recommendations.

Logins can be provided if you'll look at it.

Accepted Answer
3 months ago #158574

Can I please have some response on this? I have several sites that after the 3.18.x to 5.x upgrade even touching the pages renders them useless and the page has to be recreated. If I have to do this for 4 sites, plus dozens of pages, it's crazy. I don't think your migration script works as well as you'd hoped and looking for support for it.

It's been over a week and no response from Joomshaper.

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #161637

I have been waiting for help on this and not getting a response at all. I cannot create new pages and this is seriously effecting the site. Please advise on how to fix issue as quickly as possible. I really don't want to have to speak negatively of Joomshaper but this is going on far too long.

Accepted Answer
2 months ago #161658

I have resolved this issue myself with help of another professional.

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 month ago #161682

Hi Chris,

I'm really sorry for not being there:(

However, glad that the issue has been solved.