Glitches Found 05/15/24 - Posted Today (Undo Feature Breaks Page, Navigation Addon Breaks Page, Google Maps Addon Breaks Page) - Question | JoomShaper

Glitches Found 05/15/24 - Posted Today (Undo Feature Breaks Page, Navigation Addon Breaks Page, Google Maps Addon Breaks Page)


Claudia Martinez

SP Page Builder 3 months ago

Undo is broken: Hit undo a few times and it destroyed my page. I was not able to save the previous work. Lost it all. This is a glitch of the SP Page Builder software. I had 3 changes made to an about us page, when I undid 4 times and saved, it went and replicated the home page. It did not stop undoing as it should work. It just replicated my home page. I can understand I undid 1 more time than the changes I wanted but it is no reason for the component to destroy the page completely and create a home page instead.

Navigation addon is busted: When I added this navigation module it broke my page. It removed all of the backgrounds and some CSS. I am still trying to figure out what else it broke on my page. It happened after I added "sticky" option to the navigation addon. Horrible addon.

Google Maps Addon breaks page: Had 3 column section, added the Google Maps (default) on the right side column and it looked fine. When I switched maps to a different style it merged all my sections together and page was broken. Had to restart building the page.

**EDIT - NEW GLITCH/ERROR *** After adding the Navigation addon which broke my page and removed all the background colors on the sections I am not able to enter any image, gradient, color or video on existing sections. To work around this, I had to create a new section and then configure it again all over and then it will let me add the background color or whatever I want. But on the existing sections after adding and removing the navigation addon, it will not let me change it.

5 Answers
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 3 months ago #157116

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this oversight. Will you please produce the issues on this site and let me know when you have done. Don't forget to share a screencast video about the full scenario.

I appreciate your cooperation and will ensure to get back to you as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Toufiqur Rahman (Team Lead, Support)

Claudia Martinez
Accepted Answer
3 months ago #157254

This shows the navigation breaking the page. also shows navigation not working with sticky menu. Either sticky menu works but breaks the page or it does not become sticky but goes where you want. Same thing happened with open street maps. Once the page resize, the whole thing breaks.

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 3 months ago #157337

Please check this URL again.

Claudia Martinez
Accepted Answer
3 months ago #157860

You did not answer. But I figured it out all by myself. I just did not use the features. It sucks because we pay lots of money for this component. Its okay. I needed answers that day. Thanks.

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 3 months ago #157929

Please accept my apologies. If you need further assistance, please let me know.