Weird Typography Problem - Question | JoomShaper

Weird Typography Problem



SP Page Builder 6 months ago


I have a problem with the typography in front-end editor. When i change my site in the back-end i can choose laptop etc etc etc. Screenshot here

When i want to change the text in the front-end editor i can choose nothing anymore no laptob ect ect ect. It is not visable at all. Screenshot here

However when I want to add the fontsize to let say 24 there is nothing happening. Not back-end and also not in the front-end. And yes i have clear the cache after i changed it and also the browser cache.

Can you please let me know how to solve this problem.

Work with: Joomla 4.4.2 Pagebuilder 5.2.6 Helix Ultimate 2.0.18

Thank you in advanced.

Kind regards,


4 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 6 months ago #148988

Hi there!

Thanks for reaching out to us.

You can switch device from the top in the frontend editor:

Are you talking about text block or all addons of SP Page Builder Pro, please?

Hope this helps!

Best Regards

Accepted Answer
6 months ago #148991

Dear Rashida Rahman,

Thank you for your reply. Yes, about the text block. I did what you suggest and that is working for 1 time.

After that let say a day later i want to do it again and nothing happens. (you can't even see the change of the size of the text) yeah when I change it to let say 20Px the lineheight is changing.

This screenshot is how it is now with 17px here

This screenshot is when i change the size to 24px here

As you can see the text is not getting bigger but the lineheight changed.

But just after updating the Pagebuilder Pro i was able to change the typografie in the frontend editor like this here

It doesnt matter for me that i click in the top in the frontend editor, but it would be nice when there change something :)

Best Regards,


Accepted Answer
6 months ago #149830


Any news on this problem? Did the update and nothing changed at all. Cannot change the text size. However i think that changing a text size must be the easiest thing in Page Builder!



Accepted Answer
6 months ago #150164


Still no solution to the problem? Maybe you can do something about it, because it's starting to get annoying.

If you are unable to change a font size, what should you do with this product? Incredible.

But the worst part is that you don't seem to mind that much.

Maybe you could answer with what you are going to do about it, but even that is a bit too much for Joomshaper.

I would like to see a solution or at least an answer or that you are working on it. Patience is starting to run out this way!

