/default Added To URL When User Clicks Same Page URL - Question | JoomShaper

/default Added To URL When User Clicks Same Page URL

Karen Dunne

Karen Dunne

SP Page Builder 9 months ago

If a user clicks on a SP Page Builder PAGE menu item of the page they are already on, the URL adds /default to the end, which leads to a 404. Here's a demo (15 sec): https://www.loom.com/share/5741cbd285ff4373beba20c5c0928789?sid=67863eec-1e39-4fa5-91a9-9173b32cbb9f

I've have done extensive testing to determine that this happens when there is a module, i.e. Events Booking - Upcoming Events, in a SPPB PAGE.

Importantly, using the module does not cause a conflict when it's within an SPPB ARTICLE, only when it's in an SPPB PAGE.

This URL is an example: https://bobbarrows.com/transition-101 changes to https://bobbarrows.com/transition-101/default This does not happen on a browser reload, so be sure to click on the menu link which is in the drop down (it's the only drop down menu).

I have been working with the developer of Events Booking, from Joomdonation, but he is unable to determine the cause because the link from menu item is not controlled by Events Booking. He looked at the routing code and thinks it's very likely the added default in URL comes from that block of routing code in the file /components/com_sppagebuilder/router.php, possibly the block of code from around 84 to 91 which process $query['layout'] variable.

Please advise.

19 Answers
Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 9 months ago #138283

Hi Karen,

we don't have solution yet, thanks for short investigation.

I have question, what would happen if that Events Booking module is used in Module position below component area where the Page content is ??

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 9 months ago #138286


Today I clicked on submenu items from "Events" menu starting from being on /transition-101 and I couldn't reproduce issue. From which subpage I should start?

Karen Dunne
Karen Dunne
Accepted Answer
9 months ago #138288

Hi Paul,

Yes, thank you, that's what I've done as a work-around for now. Ultimately, I'd like to position it in the middle of the content, and not be limited to say the top of bottom of the SPPB Page.

Karen Dunne
Karen Dunne
Accepted Answer
9 months ago #138289

It's the /transition-101 page. But maybe you did a browser reload. It happens when the user clicks on the submenu when they are already on the same page. Like this: https://www.loom.com/share/662728a9f5724ba29783df8f0b11477a?sid=f0de8de1-4c64-4fbc-a6d1-1cc475c79af7

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 9 months ago #138292

Oh, I see it now. Weird.

as "Duck tape" solution I would add redirection from /transition-101/default to /transition-101

hopefully only(?) that subpage has that problem.

Karen Dunne
Karen Dunne
Accepted Answer
9 months ago #138296

Oh right, a redirect, yeah, I could do that. But, the pages that are intended to use the module are all of them in the drop down. At the moment, there are nine, and more to come. I guess that would be similar to making a bunch of separate modules, which I've done already as the work-around.

I left the transition-101 active with the /default behavior so there would be a menu item to see what happens.

Karen Dunne
Karen Dunne
Accepted Answer
9 months ago #138306

I'm glad you mentioned the redirect. It's still duck-tape work-around but then I could do what I want with the module placement. Extra modules, assignments, and redirects add to the things to keep track of, but so it goes.

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 9 months ago #138407

2nd "fix" would be to create hidden menu alias from /transition-101/default to /transition-101.

I know, it's still silver "Duck Tape", but solid and for one link there's no time to waste. And it's better to go ahead.

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 9 months ago #138409

3th fix - divide content into: page and two modules below, one with easybooking and below SPPB module. But this is already an unnecessary "uphill" combination.

Karen Dunne
Karen Dunne
Accepted Answer
9 months ago #139957

Hi Paul,

Could you tell me an update on this please?



Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 9 months ago #139958

I don't have any.

Karen Dunne
Karen Dunne
Accepted Answer
9 months ago #139960

Can a developer investigate it?

George Ivory
George Ivory
Accepted Answer
2 months ago #161673

I somehow missed this post searching on the forum prior to creating a new post on this issue 2 days ago. I too am having the same issue and as I use multiple modules from Events Booking and Membership Pro and there is really no option to move the modules on the page as suggested.

"This isue is only happening on "some" sp pages that have Events Booking and or Membership Pro modules. This is "not" happening on "all pages" that have Booking or Pro modules just some. I had the developers (JoomDonation) check the site and they suggested it may be a SP Pagebuilder problem as their code is not rendering these links."

I am surprised that this post is 7 months old with no resolution.

Karen, did you find a proper fix to this?

My site is still being developed but I need to have this fixed asap as it need to go live within days/weeks.

Karen Dunne
Karen Dunne
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #161757

Hi George,

I did not find a proper fix to this.

I've used only the work-arounds: 1) 301 redirect, and 2) create a separate module and assign it to a position below the SPPB content.

George Ivory
George Ivory
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #161768

Hi Karen,

thank you for getting back to me and letting me know how you're combatting this issue. I guess I will have to follow suit and find a patch solution in the meantime as well. I'm also asking if a developer can please look into this issue.

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 4 weeks ago #164452

Hi Karen,

please read my respond here (at the bottom): https://www.joomshaper.com/forum/question/33746

George Ivory
George Ivory
Accepted Answer
3 weeks ago #164580

Hi Karen, the issue has been resolved by JoomDonation.

*"Hi George

I updated the fix to download package on server. So you can tell here to download latest package of Events Booking, upgrade it to the site and the error will be gone.


Tuan "*

Tuan has also applied the fix to Memebership Pro's download package as well.

Thank you Paul for helping to resolve this issue.


Karen Dunne
Karen Dunne
Accepted Answer
3 weeks ago #164647

Excellent, thank you George.

George Ivory
George Ivory
Accepted Answer
2 weeks ago #165540

You're welcome Karen.