SPPB 5.1.4 Optin Addon Translation - Question | JoomShaper

SPPB 5.1.4 Optin Addon Translation


Pascal Wickert

SP Page Builder 10 months ago


I am using the optin addon for subscription in SendinBlue (Brevo) newsletter. Everything is working well. However. I have a bilingual web site (English / French), so I need to translate the inline field label and all error message. I found and translated almost everything thanks to Joomal language override. However I did not find the error message when fields are empty and when the check box is not checked (privacy statement).

Please fill out this field. Please check this box if you want to proceed.

Where can b I find those error messages to translate them?

Thank you

5 Answers
Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 10 months ago #134168

Hello Pascal Wickert

Please override this language string:


It will change this text Please fill in this field

Then use this JavaScript code to

Template Options -> Custom Code -> Custom CSS

  $(".sppb-form-check-input").attr("oninvalid","this.setCustomValidity('your custom message')");

It will change this text Please check this box if you want to proceed

Best regards

Pascal Wickert
Accepted Answer
10 months ago #134182

Hello Ofi,

Unfortunately, the language overrides for is not working. This constant exists only in the admin side, not on the site side. Furthermore. Exploring more in depth issues, I realized that those messages are sent by the browser. This is not a good thing for us. Indeed, we are a bilingual institution and sometimes people are working in a computer where the default language is English but still want to navigate on the French site and therefore they get English error messages. It would be preferable to have a string of this in the language file (INI).

Thank you,


Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 9 months ago #140965

Sorry, we do not provide customization support. I can't help you further on this topic.

Pascal Wickert
Accepted Answer
9 months ago #141001

Fair enough Ofi,

Thank you

Ofi Khan
Ofi Khan
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 8 months ago #142472

You are welcome 😊

Thanks for understanding.