Export Import SP Builder Pages From J3 To J4 - Question | JoomShaper

Export Import SP Builder Pages From J3 To J4

Stéphane Bernard, BAB Location Véhicules

Stéphane Bernard, BAB Location Véhicules

SP Page Builder 1 year ago

Hi team, A simple question : is it possible to export SP page Builder J3 and import the file in SP builder J4 ? Best regards

5 Answers
Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 1 year ago #126898

Hi there!

Thanks for contacting us.

Did you try this already?


Best Regards

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 year ago #126901

Hi Stéphane,

yes, you have two options:

  1. Export Page by Page (using .json file) from 1st website then import on 2nd website, one by one.
  2. Or export prefix_sppagebuilder table from Jomla database and import on 2nd website - PHPMyAdmin (needed!) - useful if you have more than 10 pages, and short time to complete this task.
Stéphane Bernard, BAB Location Véhicules
Stéphane Bernard, BAB Location Véhicules
Accepted Answer
11 months ago #131189

Soory for my late reply ! Thanks a lot Rashida and Paul. Best regards ans keep in safe !

Rashida Rahman
Rashida Rahman
Accepted Answer
Support Agent 11 months ago #131264

You're always welcome:)

Have a nice day too!

Paul Frankowski
Paul Frankowski
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 11 months ago #131191

Since last update SPPB 5.0.10 this should work even better.


SPPB 4.x is not supported anymore.