JoomShaper Turns 14: Celebrating One More Voyage Around the Sun - JoomShaper
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JoomShaper Turns 14: Celebrating One More Voyage Around the Sun

17 June 2024
Hits 1,268
3 min read
JoomShaper Turns 14: Celebrating One More Voyage Around the Sun

It's that magical time of the year when the party hats emerge and confetti fills the air!

JoomShaper joyfully concludes yet another voyage around the sun. This past year has been an incredible journey, with challenges bravely faced, opportunities seized, and transformations embraced in the ever-evolving realm of Joomla web development. So today, let's pause and celebrate the visionary strides that represent JoomShaper's unwavering dedication throughout its 14-year odyssey.

Welcome to our celebration of JoomShaper's 14th anniversary!

A Year of Wonders: Showcasing JoomShaper’s Key Achievements

JoomShaper's 14th Birthday

Over the past year, JoomShaper has been making waves in Joomla web development with some incredible milestones. 

  • Launch of SP Page Builder 5: SP Page Builder 5, harnessed with an awesome backend editor, became a game-changer for Joomla site development, receiving enthusiastic acclaim from users.
  • Unveiling of EasyStore: EasyStore joined the JoomShaper family as an intuitive Joomla eCommerce solution that simplifies online selling. It has been transforming eCommerce website creation ever since.
  • Rapid community growth: The community is growing rapidly, supported by top-notch support and engaging community involvement. Let's keep those numbers going up as we strive for a community full of energy and endless excitement!
  • Swelling plethora of templates: JoomShaper has released many cutting-edge templates catering to various design preferences. Whether you're building a corporate site, a creative portfolio, or an online store, JoomShaper's expanding collection of templates perfectly suits the diverse needs of our professional community.
  • Significant updates: We consistently updated your favorite SP Page Builder, EasyStore, templates & extensions to simplify your experience. These updates keep JoomShaper and its users up-to-date with the latest trends and help us all stay ahead of the curve!

The past year has been nothing short of extraordinary. With a slew of new products and the phenomenal engagement of our users, JoomShaper has truly flourished.

JoomShaper's Journey is Brighter With You!

To our incredible JoomShaper community - your passion and support have been the heartbeat of our journey. From lively forums buzzing with ideas and suggestions to dynamic social media conversations, your engagement has been nothing short of inspiring.

We owe our success to your enthusiasm and dedication, and for that, we extend our deepest thanks. Together, we've built more than just a brand; we've created a vibrant, collaborative family. Here's to continuing this amazing journey, hand in hand!

Enjoy Massive Discounts on All Products

JoomShaper's 14th Birthday

In celebration of JoomShaper's birthday, we're thrilled to offer our amazing community a special gift! For a limited time, enjoy a flat 35% discount on all our products. It's our way of saying thank you for your unwavering support and enthusiasm. Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to enhance your projects at a fantastic price. Hurry, this birthday bash discount won't last long!

Winding Up

Thank you for being the cornerstone of our growth! We take immense pride in all that we've achieved together and eagerly anticipate an even brighter future since our journey is far from over! We hope you'll continue to be a vital part of our unfolding story!

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Technical Content Writer
Sreema is a technical content writer at JoomShaper. In her copious free time she enjoys good food with good friends and loves moonlit strolls on the beach!
Yofie Setiawan
Yofie Setiawan
1 week ago
Happy birthday Joomshaper, please release more useful addons...
3 days ago
Hi Yofie Setiawan,
Thanks for your warm wishes. Stay tuned - exciting new additions are on the way!
6 days ago
Happy Birthday to all of you!
3 days ago
Hi BOFHJunior,
Thank you so much for your warm wishes!

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